Beyond Academic Achievement

The Riverview School District employees and students continue to amaze me, not only in academic achievement, also our staff and students are recognized in many programs including the arts, activities, and athletics. Here are just a few examples of achievement in the past few years: Cedarcrest FFA Named Outstanding Ag Program of the Year Cedarcrest and Tolt […]

Did you Know? The Riverview Schools consistently exceeds learning standards

The Riverview School District consistently exceeds Washington State’s learning standards. The district is recognized yearly for our academic achievements as well as many other outstanding achievements in many programs including the arts, activities, and athletics. I am proud of our staff and students and these amazing achievements. The Office of Public Instruction awards the Washington State Achievement Awards […]

Endorsements PSE and ERW

I am very excited to receive endorsements from two groups this week. One very important endorsement is from the Riverview PSE who we work closely with on collective bargaining agreements for our classified staff members. These people are the bedrock of our district and make sure our students get to school safely, eat amazing meals […]

Sally Coomer – Bridge Builder Award

What can I say about Sally Coomer? What can I NOT say about Sally Coomer? She is an amazing friend and an amazing person. One of the great honors bestowed upon a school board director is the opportunity to present our community members with awards. We present a couple of awards to community members: Community Service […]