Riverview School District Named Board of Distinction for 2017

What is a Board of Distinction? The Washington School Directors Association (WSSDA) created a recognition program to recognize school boards that demonstrate alignment with the Washington School Board Standards. In 2016, 24 School Districts out of 295 were selected as Boards of Distinction. These selected schools are then considered for School Board of the Year. The Riverview School District was named 2016 Board of the Year. In addition to the standards, each year a new component allows boards to outline work they have completed for the year. For 2017 the new components to be referenced were:

  • Respecting and advocating a mutual understanding of board and superintendent roles.
  • A commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement.
  • Community-wide communication of district information and decisions.

The Boards of Distinction continues to hold rigorous standards.  Rigor is not about the quantity, it is about the quality.  When developing their application, boards can use the following guiding questions that judges ask:

  1. What decisions did the board make?
  2. What is the evidence of the results?
  3. How this evidence fits the standard?

It is an honor to be a member of this distinctive board of directors!!! Congratulations for earning Board of Distinction four years in a row!!!!!! Carol Van Noy, Danny Edwards, Sabrina Parnell and Jodi Fletcher a well – deserved honor!


About the author: Lori

Lori Oviatt has served on the Riverview School Board of Directors since 2006, she lives on an acreage in the wild woods near Lake Joy and loves to serve in the public school system. She is a Learning Solutions Provider for many corporations and non-profits around the globe. She loves to talk education and learning!